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Based in Guangzhou, China, GSRT is dedicated to serving customers worldwide with sourcing and support services.

grayscale photo of two person holding hands with wedding rings
grayscale photo of two person holding hands with wedding rings



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Global Sourcing

Providing worldwide sourcing and support services from our base in Guangzhou, China.


Guangzhou, China Mainland


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Global Sourcing

Connecting customers worldwide with quality products and exceptional support services.

man and woman holding each others hands
man and woman holding each others hands
person with black tattoo on left hand
person with black tattoo on left hand
person wearing orange and white silicone band
person wearing orange and white silicone band
person in black long sleeve shirt holding white ceramic mug
person in black long sleeve shirt holding white ceramic mug
red green and yellow round stone
red green and yellow round stone
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree